
The Wedding Party

Sahira Jasso (Maid of Honor)

Met the Bride in 7th grade and is her favorite coffee and walking buddy and Bestie forever.

Julio Gonzalez (Best Man)

Best Friends with the Groom since middle school, always going to Dodgers games and playing video games with each other.

Jennifer Rodriguez

Met the Bride my freshman year in college at Davis. We were both in the same major, Animal Science and bonded over our love for Harry Styles and Boba.

Benjamin Uribe

The groom's cousin– been best friends since they were kids, playing wiffleball games, tagging along on trips, and grubbing on delicious meals.

Lisa Kim

Met the Bride at their previous job working with Cows, her favorite lab partner, foodie, OC explorer, and future nurse.

Cruz Sibole

Grooms Little Brother, aka his built-in best friend, kinda the same person kinda not.

Karla Rubalcava

Met the Bride freshmen year of college at Davis and roomed together for three years, 2nd member of the Ka-Ka club and love to thrift and go to concerts together.

Dezi Torres

Best Friends with the Groom since childhood; they played baseball with each other for years